Mission To Mars


National UFO Reporting Center : Click to see all Reported Sightings 2019  

International Space Agencies are preparing to return to the moon with the intent of building a permanently manned station on the moon. Build a settlement on the moon is the first step of going to Mars.  

Plans include landing on Mars for exploration at a minimum, with the possibility of sending settlers and terraforming the planet and/or exploring its moons Phobos and Deimos also considered.

The exploration of Mars has been a goal of international space programs for decades. 

Conceptual work for missions that would involve human explorers has been ongoing since the 1950s, with planned missions typically being stated as taking place anywhere between 10 and 30 years from the time they are drafted.

The list of crewed Mars mission plans shows the various mission proposals that have been put forth by multiple organizations and space agencies in this field of space exploration

Plans have varied from scientific expeditions, in which a small group (between two and eight astronauts) would visit Mars for a period of a few weeks or year, to the permanent colonization of Mars.

In the 2010's, numerous US, European, and Asian agencies were developing proposals for human missions to Mars. It is believed that humans will be going to Mars to stay by 2027